In his book, “Counter Culture”, David Platt writes:
The worldwide practice of abortion is why I do not believe it is anywhere close to an overstatement to call abortion a modern holocaust. My intention in saying this is in no way to downplay the horror of the holocaust in the mass murder of six million Jewish men, women, and children over a few short years. But were talking here about the massacre of forty-two million (+++)unborn children every single year. And just as German Christians should not have ignored the reality of what was happening in concentration camps across their country, I should not have ignored – and America Christians must not ignore –the reality of what is happening in abortion clinics across our country and around the world. As multitudes of babies are dismembered and destroyed daily, this is clearly an issue where the gospel REQUIRES us to counter culture. The movie, “Unplanned” is the story of Abby Johnson, one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation who was involved in upwards of 22,000 abortions and counseled countless women on the reproductive choices. Here passion surrounding a woman’s right to choose led her to become a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood, fighting to enact legislation for the cause she so deeply believe in. Then, one day, she is drawn in to a surgical procedure where she actually witnesses the abortion through a sonogram, which radically changes her stance on abortion and role of Planned Parenthood in women’s health care. This movie has been generally panned by critics as being more propaganda than movie material. I would agree that the message is obvious and deliberate. It is certainly not for the weak of stomach. The controversial “R” rating was political, but it may also have earned its exclusive rating in the graphic images of the abortion process. And, it’s not a great movie, either. It would have felt more like a Hallmark movie on the big screen had not been for such weighty material. The acting (outside of a decent portrayal by Ashley Bratcher as Abby Johnson) was stiff and the caricatures of Planned Parenthood employees were wooden. This was especially true of the acting clinic director, Cheryl, who was literally the devil who wore Prada. Still…. The time is long past due for Christians to take a hard stand on this issue. Since 1973, when Roe v. Wade became law, science has empirically shown that life begins at conception. This is certainly an inconvenient truth for liberals. But it makes abortion the murder of the unborn. No one has any right to murder another human being. It’s not a choice that we offer people because it’s not moral As Platt mentions in the quote above, it is a holocaust. I have to admit that the scene in the movie where the fetus is sucked out of the womb (as shown on the ultrasound) was gut wrenching and very difficult to watch. A subsequent scene with the dismembered fetus is put back together after the abortion to account for all of its parts is equally difficult. That this happens to the extent that it does in the name of convenience or women’s health defies logic. There are no words. It is PURE EVIL. Christians need to see this movie if for no other reason than to support those who make these kind of movies. It’s just that simple. Regardless of how you view it, movies need to make money or they won’t be made. And they are expensive to make as everyone knows. So, we do our part by going to see the movie and supporting the men and women who bring these stories to the big screen. Movies are the culture’s way of telling story and these are stories that need to be told. Making a movie about it gives it a sort of validity in culture as a relevant issue. So, I encourage you to Plan to see Unplanned. Note: By the way, the real heroes of this story are the participants in Coalition for Life (now 40 days for Life) who stood on that wall regularly and faithfully prayed for the lives of the unborn. It is a wonderful reminder how prayer works!
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February 2025